Local sexpert Courtney Boyer answers an anonymous question from a Sway reader: “I just bought a Yoni egg to try to relieve pain during sex. How do I use it? Does it really work?”
For those of you who don’t know what a Yoni egg is, think Gwyneth Paltrow/Goop/Jade egg business. If you’re still clueless, these devices are egg-shaped weights you stick in your vagina. If I haven’t lost you after that last sentence, buckle up, ‘cause there’s lots more to learn.
These weights come from a pretty simple concept that’s been around for thousand of years, though I doubt your grandma is familiar with it. The vagina is a muscle, much like your bicep. You can strengthen it through contractions, like Kegel exercises. You can take it up a notch and incorporate weights, much like you would for your bicep, but you obviously won’t be using dumbbells for this task.
Most women have weak pelvic floor muscles for a variety of reasons — childbirth, bowel issues, or even heavy lifting. Utilizing a weighted device can help strengthen these muscles. Working with a pelvic floor therapist can also be incredibly beneficial. If you experience issues when you’re jumping on the trampoline or when laughing a little too hard, definitely schedule an appointment with one.
So back to the Yoni. The term “Yoni” is Sanskrit for sacred womb. The eggs are said to invigorate your sexuality, clear chi pathways, intensify orgasms, do your dishes (ok, maybe not that one) depending on what the egg is made of. Different gemstones and crystals including jade, black obsidian, and amethyst, are said to do different things. Is it a bunch of BS? The jury is still out.
There hasn’t been much research done on the efficacy of these kinds of eggs. In fact, many medical providers object to their use because of the increased risk of introducing bacteria, as many of the eggs are porous and difficult to sanitize between uses.
If you’re experiencing pain during sex, I would definitely talk to an OB/GYN; he or she can determine if there’s an underlying cause to the pain (like endometriosis) and make specific recommendations. Personally, I don’t see the harm in trying it, though I’m sure some will disagree.
Courtney Boyer is a sex educator and consultant in the Sandhills. Reach her at hello@itsthesway.com, or ask her an anonymous question here.