2025 Couch Tour of the Painted Ponies

The Carolina Horse Park’s Painted Ponies are back, and so is our annual couch tour. Ponies and colts will be on display through April, when they will be auctioned to benefit the Carolina [...]

Junior League of Moore County Raises Funds With Wine in the Pines

Have you met the women who pull off the annual Wine in the Pines event? The Junior League of Moore County (JLMC) is a nonprofit organization of women who work to provide basic needs to women and [...]

Downtown Aberdeen Storefronts to be Thrice as Nice

Thrice as Nice  Downtown Aberdeen’s glow-up is set to continue with the renovation of a long-vacant corner at W. Main and S. Sycamore streets. Lindy and Ryan Lamielle acquired 103, 105 [...]

Prop Up Your Photos with Rentable High Chairs

Props to You Every milestone has to have an accompanying photo. That’s why Ciera Beam began Vintage High Chair Rentals in the Pines. Like any modern mom, Ciera was [...]

Pop Up Passes Baton

Pop Up Passes Baton Popular vendor market Pop Up in the Pines changed hands last week. Crystal Eads-Brown, owner of Marie and Marcele Boutique, began the markets with her mother, April Nayman, in [...]

Where to Have a Day of Service in Moore County

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday and a day that people are encouraged to help their communities. In the spirit of serving others, here is a list of organizations who would love to [...]

Kayak / Paddleboard Rentals Coming to Reservoir Park

 How oariginal: Reservoir Park will soon be home to an equipment rental kiosk that’ll allow you to cosplay as an outdoorswoman (or man).  It will be the eighth location in the state [...]

Red’s Corner Debuts ‘The Paddock’

Red’s Corner Debuts ‘The Paddock’ Southern Pines’ food truck campus has opened a space for indoor dining and events, with seating for up to 150 and its own bar. Formerly [...]

Dunrovin Could Be Yours

Now Where Am I Gonna Get My Snake Oil? The owner of Moore County’s most popular and only roadside attraction is looking to pass the torch to someone else with a love for huge weird [...]

Get a Grip, a Cycle Studio is in the Works

Trust the Process The building that formerly housed Southern Pines Escape is undergoing a transformation to become Process Cycling, an indoor cycle studio. Kelsey Diesing and Mel Flynn have [...]