 In swaywiththis

Whether you know your little rascal is especially … spirited or you know that teachers are basically superheroes and want to show your support, here are some back-to-school teacher gifts worthy of a gold star.

Cleaning Supplies: We’re sorry, but kids are gross. Actually scratch that — people are gross. Extra wipes and Kleenex can never hurt. Anything that might prevent our kid from bringing home new germs deserves an extra check.

Crepe Batter from Betsy’s Crepes: Don’t let them skip the most important meal of the day. It’s a treat and breakfast all in one. You’ll get bonus points for thinking outside the box. Because it’s in a pouch.

A Book: This may depend on the age group your teacher is teaching, but this reader suggestion from our Instagram poll melted our hearts. Gift your teacher a book to read to the class with a note inside from the student. That way it’s both a keepsake and it’s useful. Just don’t pick anything that’s been read by Samuel L. Jackson. You know the one.

Positivity Pencils: Because with those grades, everyone could use some of that. Your kid’s teacher will be able to spot the pencil he borrowed just as he sticks it in his ear.

Cookies: Custom cookies from can show appreciation like no other. They’re cute enough to keep, but meant to be enjoyed so they won’t clutter any teacher’s drawer. Cookies by Jay has some for order.

Gift Cards: Okay, this one is generic, but sometimes it’s just the best way to go. We hear cards to Amazon, coffee shops and even Door Dash are much appreciated by local educators.

Shoutout to those who helped us with this list from our IG stories.

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