 In Swaymous

Can I Get a Menu?

Like, the whole thing? Competitive eater James Webb (No. 1 in Australia, No. 5 in the U.S.) ate his way through Filly & Colts on a Wednesday night livestream for 1.3 million+ followers. He downed nine full-sized entrees and two desserts in 15 minutes and 31 seconds — yes, faster than it takes most of us to eat one meal. Hopefully. You do you.

  • Why Filly & Colts? James is competing this month, and his manager has lined up events at spots across North Carolina so that he can keep his stomach in (out of?) shape. 
  • How does one become a pro eater? James tried his luck at a contest at an Australian pub in 2021 and easily put away a 10-pound burger, a feat that landed him on national news. Six months later, he was making enough money from social media to quit his corporate job and start eating his way across the world. 

Hungry for more? Stream our latest episode of SwaySnacks to hear James talk about how he keeps his followers coming back for seconds — and the science behind washing it all down with a Diet Coke. Hit play on our website, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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