Breeze through Cameron’s downtown and visit the intersection of Red Hill, Stanton Hill, and Nickens roads. There you’ll find the highest concentration of barns painted by Cameron-born artist David Ellis and colleagues from New York and Toyko in the 1990s.

Nicknamed “The Barnstormers,” the group had some of the barns broken down and re-assembled in The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem for an exhibit.

Some of the rest have been broken down by nature in the time since. While all of the murals are cracked and worn, others more exposed to the sun are faded nearly to oblivion. The structures themselves are deteriorating, too.

Every once in awhile these rural gems pop up on a travel website. Be sure to take a drive and see them before rain, sun and heat destroy the works completely.

Park your car and look around — the barns are well-traveled. If you’re wearing closed-toe shoes, feel free to explore.