It’s no secret that Pinehurst politics can get pretty nasty. Here’s the latest thing to get village council candidates all worked up:
Bart Boudreaux, the candidate with the “Ethics Matter” signs, put a full-page ad in The Pilot last week detailing his opponents’ stance on controversial issues.
Mayor Nancy Fiorillo (who is not running for office this year) responded with a letter to the editor. She has accused Victoria Adkins, the wife of Boudreaux’s campaign treasurer, of gathering intel from candidates by using her position as a board member of the Pinehurst Civic Group — and then turning the info over to Boudreaux.
Victoria Adkins vehemently denied the accusation, saying she called on candidates only as a “independent voter,” and made her position clear during those calls. The Civic Group says, in short, “keep us out of this.”
Boudreaux has offered to print another ad retracting some of his claims. Other candidates have said the offer is too little, too late. And it’s getting uglier.
Bottom Line: The accusations are flying. Read the deets in The Pilot.