 In Features

Well, you’re in luck. Because now The Sway is here to help you find your perfect match. Or, at least, the perfect date. OK, maybe someone who can tolerate you for an hour and a half.

Introducing Sway Setups: Our attempt to help singles navigate the world of small-town dating, while we have fun playing matchmaker. So how does it work? Here’s the steps:

1. You fill out this survey to give us some insight about you, and who you’re looking for. You also have to send us your Facebook profile so we know you’re a real human.

2. We plan a date for you in a public place with another SwaySetup applicant, based on similar interests. You have the time of your life. Or maybe not.

3. We interview each of you, separately — no, not about whether Sally was simple or Dick was a real, well, you know. Just about how much (clean) fun you had on our super awesome activity.

4. Our team joins the wedding party. Heads up: Your colors are teal and coral.

Got questions or concerns? Hit us up.
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