Get Lost In The Sauce
If you didn’t make the cut for the Pinehurst Barbecue Festival, worry not, backyard meat-master. Your dedication to perfect grill lines, punny aprons and a good rub has earned you a spot in the super-official, not-at-all-self-serving, Lost in the Sauce Contest hosted by your favorite taste testers. That’s us.

What — or rather, who — was the inspiration? Sway superfan @ggbbbq40, aka Grumpy GB, who randomly blessed our office with the mouth-watering ribs you see above.
Here’s the rules:
- Drop off your best homemade barbecue sauce, with recipe, at 145 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Southern Pines, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday now through Sept. 1. Yes, we need the recipe, but we can keep a secret. Let us know if you don’t want us to publish it.
- Entries will be judged on texture, flavor profile, originality and presentation. We would love a jar with a printed label, but we will also accept a styrofoam cup with a plastic-wrap lid.
Winner gets four tickets to the Pinehurst Barbecue Festival’s Christopher Prieto Pitmaster Invitational and to the Music on Magnolia concert. Like our annual cookie contest, there’s no fancy training required. Please don’t poison us.