
There’s something for everyone coming out this weekend: Grab some popcorn and make yourself at home in the recliners at Paragon Theaters. Here’s our picks for every type of watcher:

For the One Who Keeps Up with the Blockbusters: Marvel’s first female-lead movie, Captain Marvel, has already topped “Suicide Squad” and “Deadpool 2” in earnings. Don’t be the last person in your friend group to see it; reserve your recliner at Paragon today.

For the Sappy Movie Lover: A very Fault in Our Stars-esque flick about teenagers living with cystic fibrosis. In “Five Feet Apart,” he’s a rebel, she’s the girl that everyone loves, and even though the connection (aka love) is instant, they have to keep a safe distance to due to their condition.

For Fans of the Classics: Dumbo returns to theaters this weekend, and it’s the perfect time to relive your childhood movies with your kids (or by yourself — there’s nothing like rewatching these old Disney movies to see all the weird things you missed when you were 8).

For Awkward First Dates: If he puts his arm around you during the scary parts of “Us” (and there will be plenty) then he might get a second date, right? This horror flick’s bad guys are an all-American family’s own doppelgängers — doesn’t that make you want to settle down and start a family of your own? Perfect topic for your post-movie hangout.

For Frequent Movie Goers: If you know the whole staff by name and they have your popcorn ready when you walk through the door, you’re probably ready for a new flick like, now. You missed Matthew McConaughey’s alleged appearance at the Pinehurst Starbucks, but you can at least see him on the big screen in The Beach Bum.

For Family Movie Night: The second “How to Train Your Dragon” movie is just as cute as the first. Hiccup, Toothless and Astrid are setting out to save their village once again in a movie that parents will enjoy just as much as their kids.

Bonus Picks: Shazam hits the theater’s “Extreme” theater, featuring a huge screen and big sound, next Thursday (April 4) at 4 p.m. Pet Sematary and Best of Enemies also start Thursday, at 7.

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