Plan A Weekend in The Pines and We'll Tell You Which Profession to Pursue.

When do you leave work on Friday?

Where would you be found on Friday Night?

Netflix Binging (Chilling Optional)

At the bar

Grabbing dinner and a show

Hanging with your BFF's
Pick a Saturday morning activity.

Playing disc golf

Sleeping in

Playing 18 holes

Spending your hard-earned money
What are you drinking on Saturday morning?

Coffee, black

Skinny, soy, no whip, organic latte with 3 shots

Bloody Mary

Just water... all the water.
Pick an adventure that's off the beaten path.

The painted barns in Cameron

A walk at the Sandhills Horticultural Gardens

BBQ and planes at Pik-N-Pig

Touring the Creation Museum
Where will you catch some live music Saturday night?

Carolina Philharmonic at Hannah Center Theater

The Basement at Dugan's

O'Donnell's Pub

Streaming tunes at home
Pick a Sunday brunch entree.


Chicken and Waffles

Bottomless Mimosas

Blueberry Pancakes
Pick a Sunday funday activity.

Watching sports

Yard work

More mimosas

Lunch with friends after worship service
Finally, when are you ending your weekend?