Hip, Hip, Hooah

A new brewery that fully embraces its Army roots has opened close to Moore County. Static Line Brewing, veteran-owned and dog-friendly, is in a pocket of Sanford we can’t believe is considered Sanford. Owners Steven and Michelle Khoo saw a need in the area, and let their love of beer and passion for community help them take the leap.

Steven has been a home brewer since 1998. Though he didn’t set out to own a brewery, he “got more and more into it, and kept needing more ‘toys,'” he said. “I realized I could be doing this on a larger scale.”
Steven served for 20 years in the military and is currently a surgeon on the civilian side. Michelle and Steven met in a hospital while he was doing a fellowship and she was a radiology tech.

Since Fort Liberty is home to the 82nd Airborne Division, the name Static Line Brewing stuck for them and Michelle took the branding from there. Inside you’ll find lots of Army green, toy soldiers and photos of local veterans on top of the bar. “They are such a huge customer base around here,” Steven says. “Why not do something that appeals to them?”

You’ll likely be greeted by their two golden retrievers Aurie and Dudley when walking in.
There are currently eight beers on tap including Steven’s favorite, the “Garu’s Tripel,” named after a military dog who worked with Belgian Forces. Static Line is starting small and doesn’t have growlers, but they do have crowlers and If you’d like food, you can bring your own or take advantage of a visit from a food truck. Michelle has been working to host various events like game nights or Self-Care Sundays.
Static Line Brewing is closed Mondays and Tuesdays; find it at 1671 Buffalo Lake Road, Sanford. For upcoming events, follow on Instagram.