Yes, it’s the holiday season, but more importantly, it’s cookie contest season.
The Sway’s annual Christmas Cookie Contest has begun, and we’re asking you to deliver your best cookies and recipes to the Sway HQ from now until Dec. 16.
Why, you ask? Because searching for GIFs, making snarky jokes and blocking out the haters makes us hungry. And we’re running out of the Halloween candy we hid our desk drawers for emergencies.
Okay, now here’s how you enter:
- Bring a batch of at least five cookies to Sway HQ (AKA the two cluttered desks in the back of The Pilot’s newsroom — 145 W. Pennsylvania Ave, Southern Pines).
- We’ll have our hand-picked team of ~sophisticated~ judges taste them and fill out a score card.
- Our ~sophisticated~ judges will grade you on presentation, taste and texture on a scale of 1 to 5.
That’s it. Easy peasy.
We’re also gonna need your recipe. We’ll need to know if you’re trying to ‘Goodbye Earl’ us. The cookie contest winner will be announced after Dec. 16. Yes, there is a prize. No, it’s not a lame prize.
Alright, we’ve rambled enough. Ready, set aaaaand bake.