You can count on the pumpkin spice latte to make its debut in time for the mosquitos to get their fix — but if you’re looking to go beyond basic (extra basic?) there are plenty of other fall-esque drinks around that are worthy of your IG story. Allow us to enlighten you.

1. The Earl Hot Chocolate
What do you get when you combine Earl gray tea, hot chocolate and your choice of milk? A beverage to warm even the coldest of hearts — the Earl hot chocolate — from Swank.

2. Cinntimental Amber Ale from Hatchet Brewing Co.
If you prefer to drink your carbs, this is the way to do it. Hatchet Brewing Co.’s Cinnimental Amber Ale includes cinnamon (obviously), and notes of vanilla and honey.
3. The Dead Man Suit and Thai Stout from Southern Pines Brewing Co.

If your new T. Swift-inspired cardigan collection isn’t doing the job, bring in the heat with the Dean Man Suit and Thai stout from Southern Pines Brewing Co. It’s brewed with notes of Thai peppers, cinnamon, coconut and cacao.
And in other beer-related news: Oktoberfest continues at Southern Pines Growler Co. through Oct. 3, featuring 8 German biers. Prost.
4. Clean Juice’s Pumpkin One

If you want to know exactly what’s going into your body, then this one at Clean Juice is for you. It includes actual pumpkin AND pumpkin spice, banana, vanilla, and maple syrup.
5. Buggy Town’s Autumn Spice Latte

Just because your tastebuds hate pumpkin doesn’t mean they should be denied the chance to get festive. This Buggy Town option has none of the gourd, and it’s all good.

6. Anything from High Octane’s Fall Drink Menu
With seven drinks on the fall menu, you can’t go wrong with a visit to High Octane. This shop has something for pumpkin naysayers (Off the Beaten Path) to traditionalists looking for something a little extra (pumpkin roll latte).
And what’s to come …
Ironwood Cafe will roll out their fall menu at the beginning of October. They’re currently working on finalizing it all, but we heard that a white wine apple cider could be involved.