Ariel Davenport is in the business of bringing your body temp down to -120 degrees. And if that didn’t sound cold enough, those degrees are in Celsius.

Ariel, a sufferer of Addison’s disease, brought Cryotherapy of the Pines to the Sandhills after finding cryo an effective treatment for her symptoms.
“I was terrified the first time I tried it,” she said. “I had read a lot about it and I had an understanding that it will not hurt you, but it was still a bit scary.”
Ariel provides you with some choice old-man gear: a bathrobe, high-rise socks and rubber slippers. In the tank, it’s just you and your undies, but don’t worry: there will be someone keeping you company the whole time.
Now on to what you care about: some reviews.
:: Pinehurst resident Christy: “They tell you to rotate while you are in the sauna. So I’m doing this little cold dance and hugging myself. About the time I was thinking I was going to freeze to death, it was done. … It was like an energy boost and I felt like I was in a great mood the rest of the day.”
:: Whispering Pines mom Vallerie: “When I got out I was a little tingly in places where I didn’t think I would be. And I had some weird sensations afterwards that lasted about 45 minutes. But I’ve felt great since and have had a lot of energy,”
:: Freelance writer Meagan: “I felt kind of ‘up’ all day. I was super tired when I went in and I think it gave me more energy. I think I’m going to try it again.”
:: Pilot employee Abbi: “I’m not going to lie, I felt every second of those three minutes. I’ve never felt my whole legs go numb before. At the end, I didn’t really feel any different. I’m super skeptical of everything, though, so maybe I talked my body out of feeling anything.”
Our verdict? You have to try it yourself — and let us know what you think.