From the gar-age to the yards, all these biters crawl. If you want to be a snacc but not for mosquitos, fleas or ticks, call the Zapper Zaddies for the only fully all-natural solution in Moore County. Founded and owned by SOF veteran Brannon Swygert, Zapper Mosquito & Outdoor Pest Control will turn your yard into a no-fly zone for as little as $60 per month.
All Natural Isn’t Just for Nude Beaches.
You probably think all-natural pest control doesn’t work — probably because that’s what Big Pest Control told you. Many companies will tell you their product is safe for pollinators, only because they don’t treat flowing plants and shrubs where bees and butterflies hang out. Newsflash! Mosquitos can produce eggs by feeding off nectar, too. Most residential mosquito control companies use insecticides known as pyrethrins and pyrethroids. Even extremely small, residual doses of these chemicals can disorient honey bees and prevent them from returning to the hive.
It is important to treat areas that harbor dormant eggs in the fall and winter to deter hatching of eggs in the spring. Zapper Mosquito & Outdoor Pest Control’s service is based off mosquitoes’ breeding cycles. Employees use science, not route and schedule optimization, to drive their processes.
“We do not need more pesticides in our ground affecting our water systems,” Brannon says. “We need to ensure we are creating an environment with a good ecosystem. We are passionate about this.”

Here’s the Backstory.
As Special Operations Civil Affairs, Brannon would partner with the Peace CORPS and USAID to put up mosquito screens on houses and build family bed nets in West Africa to help control malaria outbreaks. Years later, Brannon’s toddler got several bites from mosquitoes, and started having a reaction.
“I started looking for a company to come treat our property for mosquitoes,” Brannon says. “The problem I found was there were no local businesses that were fully all-natural. There were only large companies offering a very expensive option for an all-natural alternative. That drove me to start researching all natural, environmentally friendly options to treat the yard myself. During this research and testing on my own property, I decided to offer my services to friends. At this point, I had decided that I was going to retire from the military and start my own all natural, environmentally friendly, mosquito and pest control company.”
Here’s How it Works.
Zapper Mosquito & Outdoor Pest Control assigns a technician to a property. They get to know the property over time, which really helps them protect it using preventative methods. Technicians can expect to spend about 25-30 minutes on each job.
- Services are bundled and charged through one monthly payment.
- Services are scheduled in 15-minute — yes, 15 minute! — arrival windows
- Scheduling, invoicing, payments and communications are run through a CRM program. You’ll receive a service reminder at 6 p.m. the day prior and you’ll be notified if the estimated arrival time is delayed or ahead of schedule.
- Billing is automatic and you’ll receive a receipt when collected.
Learn More about Zapper Mosquito & Outdoor Pest Control:
Visit the Zapper Mosquito Control website or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.