Furniture in the Pines is expanding their presence to Broad Street via DAHR — a furniture studio and lifestyle boutique that focuses on female empowerment. DAHR will open in the 168 NW Broad St. storefront that formerly housed The Estate of Things in the first week of March.
A nod to co-owner Sanna Nassar’s roots, DAHR translates to “home” in Arabic. DAHR will include some of the same furniture brands as Furniture in the Pines, along with Turkish rugs — and a few more surprises from some of her fellow boss ladies.

Sanna called on a few of her friends to complete DAHR’s brand, Mandee Dieguez and Peighton Woodard will serve as in-house interior designers, bringing in items from their home decor line, Symmetri Design. A section of the store will be occupied by Kim Lyons and Cotton & Grain.
Whether you’re looking for furniture, design help or just lifestyle inspiration, I hope this can just be a fun little spot with happy and helpful people,” Sanna says.
Sanna and her husband, Rick, opened Furniture in the Pines two years ago on U.S. 1 in Aberdeen, but Sanna says owning a store on Broad Street has been her personal dream since moving to the area 14 years ago.
“I was blessed with this opportunity. It really popped up out of nowhere, Sanna says. “And being able to bring my friends to this space with me — it’s like having all of our dreams come true together.”