Don’t Be a Pick Me Girl
More effort goes into our roads than meets the eye. It’s like you, spending hours achieving that “effortless” look that in fact takes a lot of effort. If you’ve ever driven by some pretty flowers on the side of the highway, they’re probably not completely random — an initiative to beautify and promote pollination called the NCDOT Wildflower Program has been around around since 1985.
There’s a whole booklet on types of wildflowers planted that you can reference on your next road trip for an intense game of I-Spy. But as tempting as it is to pull off to the side of the road and frolic, the NCDOT says it’s a no no for your own safety. Do not stop and pick the wildflowers. You’ll have plenty of time to look at them in the coming years, when the department ramps up projects around the area.