Christmas in July has come to its end but prepping for the actual holiday season is, believe it or not, just around the corner. Local charity Christmas 4 Moore has started to search or volunteers and donors. The charity works to pair families in need with a sponsor family or business for gifts of clothing, household items, food and toys.

Last year the charity helped over 2,200 people, despite having fewer volunteers and donations than ever before. This year, they want to get a head start on both. “We’re in such a service-oriented community and this is an easy way to jump into all of that. It’s a good thing to do,” says board member Becca Scogin. Every penny raised goes to people in need.
- If you’d like to help provide gifts, complete a sponsor form at
- If you or someone you know needs assistance, register online or in person at various locations listed on the website before Oct. 31.