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Don’t Fuhgeddaboudit

Art is important and not to be forgotten, says Isabella Cillusso-Garrison, who recently completed her first mural in SoPies NY Pizzeria. The mural consists of the New York skyline, including the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and a sign that cheekily reads, “Fuhgeddaboudit.” The project has been in the works since October as she juggled school and work, only painting one day a week. The 18 year old previously worked at SoPies and kept thechalkboards updated with specials and doodles alike. Recently, SoPies owners John and Connie Geraffo asked if she wanted to do a mural above the ovens, replacing the chalkboard and adding some color into the space.

Isabella wants to push for more murals in Southern Pines, comparing it to places like Charlotte and even Carthage that have more street art. “It’s a way to make a place more beautiful,” she says. “Murals are a chance for artists to leave their creative mark on the world, and that’s part of what makes us human.” Isabella is eager to paint more murals in the future; you can reach her at bellarcg10@gmail.com.

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