On a street in Southern Pines, there are a pair of facing mailboxes with semi-creepy mannequins attached to them — with regular costume changes. Think the Chick-fil-A cow facing a chicken, or Maverick (with a literal Goose) and Iceman in honor of the new Top Gun movie.
So what’s the deal?
Dana Meyers and Darlene Ivey were fed up with how fast people drove on their road. They felt that no one cared about the “drive slow, kids at play” signs.
“We begged to get more stop signs,” says Dana. Between the two of them, they have kids and dogs, which only amplified their passion for the cause.
But while talking near their mailboxes one day, they noticed cars slowed down thinking they would cross the street. “We just need to get mannequins to stand here,” Dana said to Darlene.
Darlene was determined to find some — and eventually did. Turns out, mannequins that don’t cost an arm and a leg are hard to come by. The mailbox mannequins have been hard at work since October of 2020.
“Darlene is the mastermind behind changing the costumes,” says Dana.

“I feel like a tooth-fairy figure, magically changing the costumes each month in the night,” says Darlene. “Dana’s kids love seeing the costume changes.”
Darlene tells us that she has frightened the FedEx guy on numerous occasions between costume changes for the mannequins. Passing drivers have noticed trash collectors interacting with them.
“I get carried away when I come up with an idea,” says Darlene who couldn’t stop at just twelve costumes.
“A lot of people will stop and tell me how much they get a kick out of it,” says Darlene, “But some tell me how terrifying they are. As long as they serve their purpose, it works.”
Given the positive response to the mannequins, the neighbors don’t plan to stop the mailbox mannequin costumes any time soon.
There you have it. Fed up with speeders on your road? Install a mannequin.