Eat Your Spinach and Have it, Too
There’s a new game the kids are playing these days. No, not that one. This one is called Spinach. Local teens say they created the game, with elements of tennis, spikeball and volleyball, back in 2018. The group fluctuates week-to-week but remains by and for young adults in high school and college.

There’s no official league, just a free self-made club that meets from 6:15-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the Southern Pines Downtown Park tennis courts. The game is played using your hands and spike balls, which are provided.
“It’s free, it’s goofy, it’s local,” says Philip Johnson, 19. “There’s not a ton for teenagers to do in this area, especially with no investment.” Philip didn’t help create the game, but he’s taken on the responsibility of organizing and spreading the word this year while earning his marketing degree.

Even those green to the world of sports can enjoy the 15-minute game of Spinach with easy-to-follow rules. “We always make sure new people get a chance to learn. It can be awkward as a teenager going to something and not knowing anyone, especially if you don’t consider yourself athletic,” says Philip. Follow the club on Instagram or check out the next tournament Saturday, Aug. 12 at 3 p.m.