Pat McGowan, a former PGA Tour Pro and Pine Needles’ Director of Instruction, thinks a good rhyme is easy to remember and will help you improve your game.

Fast causes the cast: When you take the club back too fast, using your arms and hands (instead of turning your shoulders), you rarely complete the backswing. This causes the arms and hands to initiate the downswing (instead of the lower body), resulting in casting from the top.
This movement, what we call “over the top” or “outside-in” causes you to pull or slice the ball. Make sure you complete your backswing with a good shoulder turn and tempo. Now, your lower body can lead the downswing, which will allow you to finish in good rhythm and balance.
When it’s breezy, swing it easy: When it’s windy, most golfers change their set-up and swing unnaturally. They move the ball back in their stance and hit punch shots (swinging too hard and trying to overpower the wind.) Instead, let the “wind be your friend,” don’t fight it. If the wind is in your face, hit more club. Down wind, less club. Take your natural swing in left and right crosswinds…aiming in the direction which allows the wind to blow your ball back to the target. Swinging easy and smooth will result in good balance and much better shots.
If the wind is in your face, hit more club. Down wind, less club. Take your natural swing in left and right crosswinds…aiming in the direction which allows the wind to blow your ball back to the target. Swinging easy and smooth will result in good balance and much better shots.
Does your swing need help? Perfect it with the pros at Pine Needles.