It Builds Character
Chris Christie (no, not that one) began walking Sunday, April 2, from downtown Aberdeen to Maine. Chris is trying to raise awareness for animal shelters and build an audience for a new social media platform he built for adventurers.

Chris’ “life’s work” is The Character Mill, which he designed to be an antithesis for the negative aspects of social media. Part of it includes the Character Walk, which he is doing now. How do we fit into this? Chris is retracing the steps of his dog Kyli from where she was adopted at Caring Hearts for Canines in Aberdeen to where she lives now with Chris in Maine. He’s raising money for seven animal shelters along the way.

“I hope this inspires other people to just go out and do what they want to do,” Chris says.
Chris will be walking along roads and towns, meeting as many people as he can. He plans to figure out food and shelter along the way and hopes it becomes easier as he gains a following. His goal is to be finished with the walk by June 26. “I think Kyli will fare better than me,” he jokes. Follow along with his journey via The Mill and, of course, Instagram.