Because the only thing better than buying something for your favorite people is buying it on sale. Take advantage of Apricot Lane Southern Pines trendy savings. Here’s a list of who to shop for:
1. Your best friend. Celebrate your 20 besties with cute beanies (with or without poms, depending on what kind of girls you’re friends with), and a variety of jewelry. Now celebrate the fact that you have 20 besties when we can’t even keep one.
2. Your motha. Any of the cozy sweaters in the store would look and feel great on mom. Unconditional love means she won’t mind if you keep one for yourself.
3. Your grandma. Just because she doesn’t wear rompers anymore doesn’t mean she’s going to live in a mumu. Vests, sweaters and even a pair of comfy jeggings make the perfect gift for your fashion forward grannie.
4. Your coworker/Secret Santa. Bath bombs, $1 hair ties, $3 face masks and minimergency kits are perfect for the girl you have coffee with but aren’t gonna call over winter break.
5. Your teenage daughter. Make sure she’s stocked up on all of the essentials like leggings, jeans, tees and sweaters, and tell her that’s it for the rest of the year.
6. Your sister. The best sisters are the ones who wear the same size as you, and all the booties in stock would look great on you both.