Hang in There
You might think your closet is hopeless. Whether it’s unorganized, a poor use of space or just straight-up ugly, Affordable Custom Closets & Garages can help. This Aberdeen-based business specializes in turning underutilized, poorly-designed spaces into places their clients love. When we say closets, we aren’t just talking about clothes — the business can install what you need to stay organized in your pantry, laundry room and more.

Quit Playing Hide and Chic
You might think you have to have a walk-in closet to have custom storage options, but even small spaces can hold a lot if they are designed well. Aside from aesthetics, you can benefit from easy accessibility. Franchise owner Brandon Galloway has daughters and understands digging through a closet to find what you need is a waste of their precious time (and yours).

Give Your Space Some Shelf Esteem
You’ll be peas—er—pleased when you finally have a pantry worthy of reality TV, or at least one that stays organized because it has a built in organization system. Customize your space with adjustable shelves, wine racks, racks for baking sheets, customizable drawers and inner cabinet workings. You can even design the pantry to conveniently display high-use items while having specialized storage for lesser-used items.

Speaking of reality TV, Affordable Custom Closets & Garages was a featured contractor on an episode of HGTV’s “Tough Love with Hilary Farr” that was filmed in Whispering Pines.

Laundry room customization can include luxuries like fold-out iron boards, valet rods and built-in folding stations. Folding on top of the washing machine while hoping a stray sock doesn’t fall between the washer and dryer? You don’t have to live this way.
Schedule a virtual consultation or a meeting in person. Brandon and his team will discuss your needs and design a closet that fits your budget and style. Get more information about Affordable Custom Closets & Garages on the website or email brandoncustomclosests@gmail.com.