If sitting home alone makes you feel as useless as the paper mâché pig you just crafted, consider these was to give back during the COVID-19 crisis.

Deliver Meals to Youth
Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills will deliver meals to youth in need Monday through Friday. Donations to help with incurring new expenses can be made to the Boys and Girls Club of the Sandhills. Volunteer as a delivery driver here.
Additionally, the Boys & Girls Club is providing dinners to students in need. These dinners are made possible through the efforts of Department Chair of Culinary and Pastry Arts at SCC, Fiona McKenzie, and Mark Elliott. Team Green is accepting donations to help fund these dinners, so those interested in donating may email kate@reindeerfunrun.com.
Deliver Meals to Seniors
Meals on Wheels of the Sandhills is taking volunteers to deliver hot and nutritious meals to those who aren’t able to cook or leave their house. Apply to be a volunteer here or make a donation.
Donate & Pack Food at a Food Bank
The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina is accepting pre-packaged dry food and shelf-stable food donations. This includes: pasta, canned goods and rice. If you’ve been eating family-sized Reese’s Puffs straight from the box, consider this way to give back. Here’s a look at more information on how to donate.
The Food Bank also needs volunteers for packing, and for distribution of its BackPack Pals program.
Donate Blood
FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital is in need of blood. If you are healthy, make an appointment.
Sew Masks
FirstHealth is accepting donations of sewn masks. Donated masks will be sterilized by FirstHealth prior to use. Masks should not include rubber bands, because rubber bands can’t be properly sterilized.
Please bring masks between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to a FirstHealth Fitness center. A donation bin will be set up outside. If you have other medical supplies you’d like to donate, please email marketing@firsthealth.org.
Call a Senior
The Moore County Department of Aging’s Good Call Connections Program connects seniors who are feeling isolated or lonely with caring, trained volunteers through regular phone check-ins and social conversations. Leave a message with Jonathan Scott at 910-947-4194 or email jscott2@moorecountync.gov.
Know of a way to give back during COVID-19 that we missed? Let us know at hello@itsthesway.com. We’ll add it to this list.