Whether you’re a local resident looking to downsize or a Pines newbie buying your first home, hiring a local and experienced real estate agent is important. Why? Because after hiring that Craigslist balloon artist for your kid’s birthday party, you should know it’s harder to undo some types of damage. Rhodes & Co. real estate agent Joanne Crum has 15 years of experience as an agent in the area, so we asked her to provide us with a few more reason why hiring a local agent matters.
1. They Have the Intel on Any Changes in the Community
An experienced real estate agent is always in the know when it comes to any new developments or changes that could affect their client. Redistricting? Yep. Traffic changes or construction? Yep. Your agent should be able to give you the low down on pretty much everything that’s going on in the community.
2. Local Agents are Well-Versed in Market Prices and Trends
If you didn’t pay attention in your college statistics and economics courses, a local real estate expert is your new BFF. They know how much money you should be spending on a home in a particular neighborhood. They also know if the value of your property has the potential to increase or decrease in the coming years.
3. They’re Aware of Neighborhood Covenants and Restrictions
For example, if you’re looking to buy a home in Whispering Pines, you’ll need to know that you can’t buy a ton of chickens to produce your ~organic~ breakfast. Your real estate agent should be able to save you from posting on Facebook in a fit of rage after you get that neighborhood violation warning.
4. You’ll Have a Go-To Person for Any Questions You Might Have Post-Sale
From exterminator recommendations to restaurant recommendations — an expert realtor should be able to guide you in your post-sale endeavors.
5. They’re Part of a Tight-Knit Group
According to Joanne, real estate agents talk to other real estate agents pretty frequently, which means they’ll have the tea on all of the new neighborhoods and developments that are going to pop up before anyone else. And, they’ll also be able to share that information with you.
6. They’re Always Taking Inventory
Experienced agents are constantly touring homes and taking inventory of what’s available, so they always know what’s out there and if you’re getting the best deal.
Convinced but want more information? Give Joanne Crum a call at (910)-690-2819 and check out her website.