Note: This is part of a Sway series, in which our writers try things outside of their comfort zone. Today’s installment: Burn Boot Camp.
You know when you walk into a class thinking you can keep up, because you regularly work out — and you get 100% smoked? That’s what happened on the floor of the Pinehurst Brewing Company at Burn Boot Camp’s Free Pop up class last Sunday.
I was pouring sweat after the warmup. As the instructors told us what to expect, the kitchen staff pounded away at preparing the day’s brunch. I’m sure they were equally as grateful for the jams pumping from the speakers as they were to be on the other side of the line.

First, they split us into groups of threes, in which we were meant to complete 1-minute sections of three different workouts. We had to clap 2X if we understood. Unfortunately, they didn’t tell us what to clap if we wanted to tap out, which we wanted to do immediately when we saw the lineup: lunges, squats, mountain climbers, push ups, oblique squats, and other full-body movements.
Through it all, we were told to encourage our teammates, with fist or elbow bumps, or high fives. The instructors were upbeat and encouraging, too.
The “burner” session was painful — and because you were working with a small team, it was impossible to just lean on something and go unnoticed. We tried. But in the end, we made it through. And we celebrated.
Want to try it? Find the burn happening 7 days a week at a variety of times listed here.