Workhorse Fitness & Yoga’s heavy hitters boxing class is the perfect place to show up when you want to hit something without getting arrested. We’re kidding … kind of.
The class began with the instructor, Tiffany, showing us how to wrap our hands “Rocky” style. The wrist wraps added a sense of bad-assery that masked the embarrassment we felt when we asked what wrist wraps were. (In case you’re wondering, you need them for class and you can buy them at the front desk for $8.)

Tiffany then rallied us to find a partner of similar height, and we began doing a variety of plyometric warm up movements to warm up our calves and shoulders.
After doing a little partner core work, it was show time. Tiffany asked us to “glove up,” and pick a chest-height round punching bag. Gloves on top of wraps? It was about to get reaaaaal.
Tiffany went over how to perform basic boxing movements with correct form. Her explanations were technical, but not super hard to follow.

My partner faced the bag first while I did a series of squats, lunges, push ups and jumping jacks. When it was my turn to jab, hook and cross at the bag, I was a little nervous that I’d look like an idiot, but with each movement and each hit, I felt stronger.
Want to get out of your comfort zone? Try out the heavy hitters class for yourself, or check out another class at Workhorse Fitness & Yoga.