With only a handful of aisles, a few tables of mini-bulk boxes and a couple freezers full of dessert, The Unilever Company Store in Raeford is not a retailer, and exists to primarily to benefit Hoke County Schools. The store doesn’t advertise, but we drove over to take a look:
From the outside, this little Unilever store seems very unsuspecting.

Inside, you’ll see the decorated walls surrounding the 3-ish aisles. Our soul softly whispers, “bring on the goods.”

We turn left and start at what seems to be the beginning of the Unilever store and promptly run into baby items, Tazo and Lipton Tea products, and … Hellmann’s mayonnaise.

We round the corner and our skin recognizes the discounted moisturizers and body creams it so desperately yearns for. Maybe we’ll pick one up – or maybe we’ll forget sunscreen, again. #selfcare

Deodorants, body wash, hair care products, cleaning products, laundry detergent and more.

Then, we spot something sweet out of the corner of our eye. The real lead that brought us here: pints of Ben & Jerry’s + other ice creams — yep, they operate under the Unilever umbrella. Who knew?

Our mini-cart for our mini-haul is full — and the woman at the checkout counter convinces us we need a Unilever tote, since paper or plastic is not provided.

*Opens ice cream sandwich wrapper.*
Unilever is located at 100 Faberge Boulevard, Raeford. Masks are still required and products, quantities and prices are subject to change.
See something we missed? E-mail hello@itsthesway.com.