Nothin’ But a Good Time In true rockstar fashion, the band Aftermath is all about giving a memorable performance, jumping on bars and interacting with the crowd. Aftermath formed [...]
String Along A new string ensemble named The Treble Makers is available to play at your next event. The group is led by April Collins, who also teaches the Carolina Philharmonic Junior Orchestra. [...]
Because there is more to human emotions than just “Happy mix,” and we need more than just, “Lo-fi beats,” or “80s rock” to keep our brain neurons firing and [...]
Need something new for your playlist? Local musician Rachel Gross who goes by Florine (her middle name) released her first single, “Great Expectations,” across streaming platforms [...]
It’s The Vinyl Countdown Sunday is your last day to thumb through Rendition Records before the shop closes the doors on its downtown Southern Pines operation. It opened in [...]
ICYMI: Epicenter, a huge music festival featuring acts you’d never thought you’d see this close to home, comes to Rockingham in May. See available tickets here. [...]